Friday, October 28, 2005

Open house a flop.

Remember that post a few days back, hidden below the F.E.A.R. review?

Well, I've been following the thread for a while.

And I have to say, it does get pretty interesting.

That's thanks to the flames, and the school "protectors".

There is a time to defend the school.

But then, there is a time when you have to be a little rebellious.

However, it isn't the people who defend the school by saying that the teachers have done their best which irks me.

It's those who are saying that the "open house is useless".

Reason: People can't go to the Top 5 JCs are posted here. Hence, they don't have a choice when they come here either way. Whether the open house is there or not, people are going to get dumped here because they screwed up their O levels.

That's just sad.

Not only that....

It's pathetic.

The open house is a way to get future possible students to enter this school. If you are spoilt between entering NYJC, MJC and TPJC, the open house is one of the ways which could decide your mind. These days, heading to a JC does not mean that you are simply studying alone. With the addition of CCA and PW, you will want to join a school with the best facilities available so thatyou don't screw up your project work, and that you can join a CCA which you totally enjoy.

The open house becomes more important these days, because of the world saying how "poly > JC". People who could easily get any course of their choice in a poly would want to know whether JC would be a better choice. Hence, that's what open houses are for.

Bottomline is, open houses ARE important in getting future students. While there are those "dumped" into this college, many more join because of other factors, such as distance, or having a CCA which they would enjoy.

The people who said that the open houses are "useless" really need to open their eyes. If it's not effective, then why does almost every other institute have one? This isn't a case as to saying "Since xxx has it, we must have it too! (aka road run/walk)". A college without students will fall quickly. It will fall even quicker when the students are rubbish. Open houses are one of the few ways for neighbourhood JCs like mine to steal 6 pointers away from the "top 5" JCs, hence keeping the scool name "afloat". Of course, the words are all in quotation marks, because a school need not necessary sink without 6 pointers.

For those who say that the open house is useless, it simply shows how much they care about the college. If it sucks, scrap it. The obvious easy way out. However, what about the hidden pitfalls which lie beyond what their myopic eyes see? Students would have no idea about the school, and when you have colleges such as MJC, with all their new facilities around (Their science lab rocked. Hard.), they will obviously choose MJC over ours.

Hence, instead of taking the easy way out, the school administration should seriously consider the views of those who want the open house to be changed. As the first poster had said, we don't need to bore the foreign investors with talks. Show them our CCAs, what they are capable of. Show them our lessons (pictures, of course), and anything which could be used as propaganda.

Make them want to come to this college.

And that isn't done by scraping the open house, or having an open house which would make looking paint dry as exciting as a football match.


Along with that in the forum, there is this rather amusing function that the admins of the forum implemented, namely "marking" a post if it is offensive. The teachers have happily marked it, as the list of people is shown. However, many did not post anything, nor did they bother to remove the post.

With the forums having flame wars ever 5 posts, I think we definately need the teachers to take control. Simply marking a post, which is useless anyway, since people can have fun by giving it a positive rating instead, is not going to work, as the moderators have to be on hand to delete the posts.

This somehow reminds me of the old days in GameFAQs, where there's this "auto-suspension" function, where if an amount of users marked a post, the offender will be placed on "suspension" mode immediately.

Of course, it is removed since there are people who abused it, resulting in moderators and admins getting suspended (XD, can't say we didn't see that coming).

Hopefully, it will be soon before the admins realise what GameFAQs had learned almost 4 years ago.


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